Netflix lets users violate rules for gay movies — homophobia condoned.
The joy of air travel. Airlines lost 30 million bags in 2005. 200,000 never saw their owners again.
Stipe, Spooner and others say “Bring ’em Home” at the Hammerstein Ballroom.
Students at Lee University help clean anti-gay slur from the side of the Soulforce Equality Ride Bus. The bus was recently tagged with the word “Fags-mobile.” Co-director Reitan: “”These wonderful students have done a great service by wiping away the stain of homophobia from our bus. Let’s hope they can go back to their school and wipe away the stain anti-gay discrimination that still goes on every day at Lee.”
San Francisco Archbishop George Niederauer wants the Archdiocese to help find a way to place adoptees with families even though he realizes the church’s views on homosexuality are at odds with placing children in same-sex households: “Our teaching on marriage and family life precludes these kinds of adoptions,” Healy said. “We need to find another way to help this vulnerable population. How, remains to be worked out.” Most recently, the Archbishop has made some refreshing statements on pedophilia and the fact that it should not be linked with homosexuality.