Some of you have written to express your concern that I might throw myself from a window should Brokeback Mountain not take the Best Picture Oscar. I can assure you that, while I’ll definitely be rooting for the film, there will be no Arsenic-laced dried elk consumed should it not ride home with the win.
I first started writing about the film back in 2003 when it hadn’t even been cast, and the preponderance of Brokeback material on this site was spawned back then. It has been a pleasure following this film (and something, I think, of an obligation) and watching it succeed. I’ll surely be rooting for it Sunday night.
But there were plenty of other great films this year. Please use the comments space to go ahead and make your Oscar predictions, talk about the red carpet, or fling the usual partisan vitriol at one another. Actually, scratch that last one, but do enjoy the weekend.