A look back at the week on Towleroad…
Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo in our favorite celebration — undressing.
George Michael found slumped in car with cannabis, GHB, and sex toys.
Scottish Bishop lashes out at gays for suppressing “straight” lifestyle.
The OC's Chris Carmack half naked on the New York stage.
Ipanema Beach in Rio becomes site of Carnival hate crime.
Ex-gays gather in St. Louis to celebrate their non-gayness.
Utah students protest bigoted bill that would end gay-straight alliance.
Dolly Parton readies for her Academy Awards moment.
SF Giant Barry Bonds: Are baseball diamonds a girl's best friend?
Violent gang trashes gay club X-ES in the UK.
Pet Shop Boys to use next album Fundamental as a political pulpit.
Real World: Key West‘s Tyler is a Friendster.
Footballer Ashley Cole sues Brit tabloids over gay orgy claims.
Hard candy: Brokeback Pez dispensers and a haircut for Jake Gyllenhaal.
Texas basketball jock lip-synchs to Bonnie Tyler.
College basketball photo inspires mysterious penis controversy.