On Ipanema Beach, 100 gay and straight couples gathered to protest the recent violence and discrimination there.
America's Next Top Bigot. In case you don't watch the show, one of Tyra Banks' model hopefuls is made in the Ann Coulter mold: “I don't like gay people. I don't like Muslims. I don't like abortions. I don't like anything liberal. But, other than that-I really like to get along with people…”
Boston's leading Catholic charity forces the issue of allowing gays to adopt by halting all adoptions.
The lowdown on Marc Jacobs' “rent boy sidekick.”
Ouch. Villanova basketball player's eye is popped out during game.
British government introduces new legislation to ban discrimination against gays by pubs, hotels and restaurants. Trade and Industry Secretary Alan Johnson: “Too often, gay and lesbian people can face discrimination in their everyday lives. I want to make sure that no-one gets refused a room at a hotel or a table in a restaurant because of their sexuality. We intend to end this sort of discrimination and make sure that gay men, lesbians and bisexual people can enjoy the same rights and freedoms as heterosexual people.”