Looking back at the week on Towleroad…
Shock as Crash beats Brokeback for Best Picture Oscar.
Gay penguins march to a new library shelf away from the kiddies.
Supreme Court rules on Solomon Amendment; military can recruit.
Jake Gyllenhaal goes crazy at CAA pre-Oscar bash; shows off his muscles.
Karl Lagerfeld steps out with his delicious bodyguard.
Gore Vidal, butterfly ballots, and what you didn't see at the Oscars.
David Beckham's BMW goes up for auction on eBay.
Gayest crustacean ever, Kiwi Hirsuta, found in depths of South Pacific.
Bigots in Crystal Lake, Illinois want Gay Games to row out of town.
Boy George avoids jail time on cocaine charges; may give concert.
Webcam spies on construction of Tom Ford's Santa Fe compound.
Activists plaster Boise, Idaho with “Heterosexuals Only” stickers.
Protesters crash anti-gay Polish President's speech in Berlin.
Sopranos character actor Joe Gannascoli loves gays and plays one too.
Andy Roddick debuts fuzzy new look.