He just doesn't want gay people and their relationships legitimized as anything close to marriage, and that's why he's planning to veto legislation adopted recently by the Australizn Capitol Territory that would recognize civil unions, he told the Ten Network over the weekend.
John Howard: “This is not an anti-homosexual gesture. This is a gesture to support the special and traditional place of marriage as a heterosexual union for life of a man and a woman in Australian society. Why we're against what the ACT is doing is that, in all but name, they are equating same-sex unions with marriage. I don't support that, not because I'm against homosexuals, but I think there should always be a margin for marriage as we understand it in our society … you don't equate a gay union with a traditional marriage – that's our position.”
ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope said that “if Mr Howard's opposition to his law was not driven by homophobia, he should act to remove discrimination against homosexuals from commonwealth legislation.”
Same-Sex Veto Not Anti-Gay [the australian]
I'm Not Anti-Gay [the australian]