Sensitivity is the word of the day with regard to Republican talking points on gay marriage:
Condoleezza Rice seems to have read the same memo as Laura Bush. Last month, the First Lady said of same-sex nuptials, “I don't think it should be used as a campaign tool, obviously. It requires a lot of sensitivity to just talk about the issue – a lot of sensitivity.”
Condi made similar remarks following an address yesterday to the Southern Baptist Convention: “This is an issue that can be debated and can be discussed in our country with respect for every human being. When we get into difficult debates about social policy, we get into difficult debates that touch people's lives, the only thing that I ask is that Americans do it with a kind of sensitivity that real individuals and real human beings are involved here.”
We're real human beings, just not real enough to be equal citizens.
Screw sensitivity. Give us the rights we deserve.