Experts say northeast hurricane not unlikely: “It will be the largest financial disaster that this country has ever seen.”
Beatles album Please Please Me named one of the gayest albums ever in Attitude list: “That summer it was the gay album. Every party, every club, everywhere you went, Please Please Me blasted out. George and Paul singing into one microphone, their cheeks touching, was the gayest thing we’d ever seen.”
Gay man announces intention to apply for Tory open primary in effort to become next mayor of London: “Lots of people have encouraged me to stand for the nomination as the Conservative Party’s candidate for Mayor. People from right across the London party. And people who have never voted Conservative in their lives. I’m very attracted by the idea of running for Mayor. It would be an opportunity to present a new face of Conservatism to the capital. I love London and believe it needs to be led by someone who unifies people and makes things work – neither of which can be said of Mr Livingstone.”
Gay Big Brother: Australia contestants announce plans to marry.
Britain refuses to recognize same-sex marriage performed in Canada: “To accord a same-sex relationship the title and status of marriage would be to fly in the face of the (European) Convention (on Human Rights) as well as to fail to recognize physical reality.”
Senator Chuck Hagel: “[Iraq] is an absolute replay of Vietnam.”