General Peter Pace says military shouldn't condone “immoral” gays. Regrets.
Pace's remarks ignite national debate; Hillary, Obama fumble, then recover.
A hot guide to a plethora of new music-sharing sites.
Kevin Sessums talks about his new memoir, Mississippi Sissy.
Thousands oppose Vatican, rally for gay rights in Rome.
Did he tell? USMC begins inquiry into Matt Sanchez; Porn star hits radio.
Tim Hardaway out, John Amaechi in as bald guy spokesmodel. Hardaway pleads…
Senator John McCain voices his support for “Don't Ask, Don't Tell”.
NBC says Krispy Kreme Donuts: “So good you'll suck d*ck.”
Has American Idol Ace Young become a beefcake pin-up?
Christian teen group BattleCry rallies against “gay sin” in San Francisco.
So Notorious: Heroes‘ Sylar gets steamy in the sauna.
Guide to the Tube: The iRack, Van Hansis' gay teen, Vegas hotel implosion.
Pope: Catholic position on gay marriage is “non-negotiable”.
Former Idol Mario Vazquez in gay sex lawsuit with AI staff.
Jim McGreevey: As divorce gets ugly, Gov. enters new era as gay activist.
NASA releases spectacular images of the moon crossing the sun.
Garrison Keillor: A Bigot's Home Companion.
Larry Kramer gives ACT UP anniversary speech (text), holds Times Square protest.
NY Governor Elliott Spitzer says no to St. Pat's Parade to support gays?
PLUS: Terrence Howard, Adam Sandler, Eric Winter, David Beckham, 12 Pack.