Have a safe and peaceful Memorial Day Weekend everyone! Here's this week's wrap-up.
The most amazing amateur wildlife video I've ever seen.
It's a boy: VP's lesbian daughter Mary Cheney gives birth.
FDA upholds ban on giving blood for gay men.
Isaiah Washington anti-hate PSA debuts during Grey's Anatomy reruns.
Keith Olbermann: the government has failed us on Iraq.
Mitt Romney claims he is not intolerant of gay people.
Gay rugby icon Ian Roberts cleared of assaulting ex-boyfriend.
Courage: Mother of SC hate crime victim Sean Kennedy speaks out.
Gay rights march in Warsaw, Poland draws 5,000, plus protestors.
Gay porn murder plot revealed in 21-page affadvit.
On the Tube: Candidates confess, Ron Paul, baseball buddies, Rosie/Elizabeth battle.
Dr. Laura's son investigated for “repulsive” MySpace page.
Pakistan same-sex couple jailed as sex change plans unravel.
George Michael: Addicted to art, pills, or both at the same time.
Florida Governor Charlie Crist grows a beard.
Andy Roddick responds to doctored Men's Fitness cover image.
Anti-gay threats, vandalism against rural Tennessee gay man continue.
Amateur paparazzo snaps Jake Gyllenhaal on the train from Paris to London.
Violent hate assault on gay man reported in Missoula, Montana.
PLUS: Beckham's balls, gay flamingos, Cadillac, Josh Holloway.