John Polly at NewNowNext chats up the singer/activist about her soon-to-start True Colors Tour as well as the early days of her career, hate crimes, and when she discovered she had a huge gay fanbase:
“I never really noticed until I started reading the emails, way back in about 1996. That’s when I started reading emails — because I was pregnant, and email, back then was like, unbelievable! And I start reading not one, not two, not ten, but every other email I got was about how when people came out and how they were mistreated and disenfranchised from their families and their jobs and their friends, and totally cut off. And I just thought, ‘No one should ever be that depressed about who they are!’ But really the first big event was at Yankee Stadium, when it was the first Gay Games in 1994. And I’d never done something that big at Yankee Stadium, and I thought it was just fantastic! And I had all of these drag performers with me, and it was really fun.”
The True Colors Tour is set to start June 8 in Las Vegas.