Northern Ireland politician Ian Paisley Jr., who made disparaging remarks about gay people last month, has no regrets about being a bigot: “What is done is done, I've said those comments why should I try and hide what I've done.”
UFOs spotted over Britain: “It was 2,000ft up and stationary. I thought it was about 10 miles away, although I later realised it was approximately 40 miles from us. At first, I thought it was the size of a [Boeing] 737. But it must have been much bigger because of how far away it was. It could have been as much as a mile wide. I'm certainly not saying that it was something of another world. All I'm saying is that I have never seen anything like it before in all my years of flying.”
Activist outs homophobic Russian politician on national TV.
Gay accusations fly over domestic partner benefits in Kentucky gubernatorial race.
Elton John raises £110,000 for karaoke tune.
Historic Chelsea Hotel to be the east coast's Chateau Marmont? “Hotelier Andre Balazs, owner of the historic Hollywood inn, was spotted ‘checking out' the interior of the Chelsea Hotel on Tuesday. The Chelsea's owners just turned its operation over to powerhouse BD Management, and we hear Balazs, with his knack for historical preservation, will have a role in running and restoring the place. Now all he has to do is figure out how to entice people who have long lived there for little to no rent to vacate.”
Gay porn actor Mark Dalton arrested…again. (sites NSFW)
Canadian Anglicans to vote on allowing churches to bless gay couples.
California Supreme Court asks each side to answer three questions in gay marriage case: “The first answer the court required from both sides was a specific and detailed explanation of how California's existing domestic partnership law–one of the most comprehensive in the country–and legal marriage differ from one another in terms of legal rights for families. Secondly, the court required lawyers from both sides to offer their interpretations of what the California state constitution's provisions might be for marriage rights” and “Do the terms 'marriage' or 'marry' themselves have constitutional significance under the California constitution?”
Rules and regulations: Rufus Wainwright in choreographed number with muscle men.