A tour of soldiers discharged by the U.S. military, sponsored by HRC, is currently underway.
The soldiers (left to right) former Army Sgt. Sonya Contreras, former Marine Corps 1st Lt. Antonio Agnone, former Army Spc. Jarrod Chlapowski, former Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Eric Alva, and former Army Arabic linguist Alexander Nicholson, made a stop at the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix on Tuesday.
The visit prompted Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano to comment on the military's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy. Said Napolitano: “To me, you ought to be focused on, ‘Are the people there and are they doing their job?' And don't ask/don't tell, to me, that doesn't tell you that.”
The governor did not say she thought the policy should be repealed, although the intention of SLDN's tour is to persuade lawmakers to come to that conclusion.