Former VP Al Gore and UN climate change panel share Nobel Prize for Peace.
Two defendants in Michael Sandy death convicted of manslaughter as hate crime.
Photos reveal Prince Harry gone wild — snorting vodka and licking male nipple.
Bob Novak: GOP knew about Larry Craig's “weird conduct” and ignored it.
Kansas church wants assurances that Clay Aiken's not gay before performance.
Tom Ford gets naked for OUT and does some naughty product placement.
Lesbian short Pariah wins huge gay and lesbian film fest prize.
Human Rights Campaign dinner features Nancy Pelosi and trangender protests.
Intruders at Paris' Orsay Museum punch hole through the middle of a Monet.
On the TUBE: Toe-tappin', CA marriage spot, GI Jonny, Rude Romney, Brown Eye.
Larry Craig chosen for induction into the Idaho Hall of Fame + Super Tuber recipe.
Not enough: Oregon gay rights foes fail in petition challenge of domestic partner law.
Gay Indian Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil to talk gay rights on Oprah
Celine Dion: “Look into my eyes and feel me, baby.”
Discrimination and abuse: NYT looks at the plight of the gay elderly.
ART ATTACK: Doris Salcedo at the Tate, Andres Serrano vandalized, Brangelina's Banksy.
Avenue Q scribe Jeff Whitty takes on viral video stars.
Dear Abby comes out for same-sex marriage and “ex-gay” attacks her.
Provoked: Henry Rollins speaks out on gay marriage and Larry Craig.
Former Real World housemate Dan Renzi gets nude for Spencer Tunick shoot.
MUSIC: Kylie Minogue's “2 Hearts”, Michael Jackson, Robyn, Radiohead, J Lo.
South Florida hit: Victim's friend says car attack was no accident.
Repeal Section 377a: Singaporeans call for decriminalization of gay sex.
Naked Rugby League “wang dance” captivates Australian sports fans.
Gay rights groups question Calgary mayor's LGBT tourism comments.
Beacon: Yoko Ono unveils “Imagine Peace Tower” near Reykjavik, Iceland.
Liza Minnelli on Britney Spears: She's got a disease.
Openly gay judge Daniel Anders takes oath of office in Philadelphia.
Barney Frank: Foes of non-inclusive ENDA “can't handle the truth.” (VIDEO)
Anderson Cooper and Jeff Corwin on a double date with nature.
SF doctors surprised and concerned by return of Kaposi's Sarcoma.
PLUS: Lynne Cheney book, John Krasinski, Ugly Betty, Jake Gyllenhaal, Marc Jacobs.