This made the rounds on blogs earlier this week but I couldn't let it get by without an appearance here.
Despite John McCain promising to run a respectful campaign, he's been running the ad above on the left, which contains an outright lie. On the right, Andrea Mitchell questions why McCain would run something that is “literally not true.”
Incidentally, the portion of the ad showing Obama playing basketball while claiming he made time to go to the gym rather than visit with troops is actually footage of him playing basketball with troops in Kuwait over the weekend.
Ironically, the lying ad has been something of a public relations coup for McCain.
Following accusations that McCain has gone negative, his campaign today sent out a list of talking points to its surrogates that basically argue he didn't go negative until Obama did…
Crooks and Liars notes that in the past few days “John McCain has launched an all-out war against Barack Obama's fitness to be commander-in-chief.” But as can be seen in the video below, McCain fails his own fitness test.