The battle against the hateful, anti-gay Proposition 8, which would ban same-sex marriage in the state, take the rights away from thousands of Californians, and have severe national implications as well, continues to heat up, and still needs your help.
Opponents of Proposition 8, the measure banning same-sex marriage in the state say they have been out-funded and will lose come November unless they begin matching funds donated by the measure's supporters. For more information, see my post of yesterday. DONATE to the battle AGAINST Proposition 8 by CLICKING HERE.
Here's an UPDATE on recent developments:
For those of you living in Southern California, there is a huge benefit to raise money to fight Prop 8 happening on Tuesday, October 21 at the home of Ron Burkle in Beverly Hills, at which Melissa Etheridge will perform.
Here's a PDF about the $1,000/person event as well as a dinner for donors with the ability to give larger amounts to the fight.
Californians Against Hate published an updated “dishonor roll” of more than 740 donors to the “Yes on Prop 8” campaign, homophobic organizations (and individuals) that want to take marriage rights away from people this November.
A more detailed list can be found here.
See my post of yesterday. DONATE to the battle AGAINST Proposition 8 by CLICKING HERE.
Incidentally, a boycott against Bolthouse Farms by the group has been dropped.
The L.A Times reports: “The ‘Don't Buy Bolthouse' campaign ended because the company's chief executive ‘has provided us with a compelling perspective which clearly demonstrates the separation between Bolthouse Farms and . . . its founder, William Bolthouse,' Californians Against Hate said Wednesday in a written statement. That perspective, the statement continued, ‘provides us with confidence that Bolthouse Farms is committed to working productively with the [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender] community.'”
More on the dispute and its resolution here.
As I mentioned yesterday, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is recruiting from out-of-state to help pass the anti-gay measure, but here's more.
It's sick: “The church planned its appeal on Wednesday night with a satellite broadcast to church buildings in California and on the three Brigham Young campuses. Mormon leaders were scheduled to speak directly to members, with a particular focus being placed on reaching young married couples, single church members and those already active in the campaign…”
The Courage Campaign is demanding that GOP Rep David Dreier of California take a stand on the issue. So far, he has refused to speak: “Arnold Schwarzenegger has said he opposes Prop 8. John McCain has said he supports Prop 8 Where does David Dreier stand?”
In related news, two NEW ads have been released from both opponents and supporters of Proposition 8.
The ad on the left, from supporters of the homophobic measure, scares voters with the misinformation that schools will be performing some sort of “indoctrination” on kids because of it. It's a disgusting tactic. The “No on 8” ad tells Californians that they'll be taking rights away and treating many Americans as second-class citizens.
You can watch them, AFTER THE JUMP…
The new ‘Yes on 8' ad on the left, the new ‘No on 8' ad on the right.
The national implications of this fight could not be more serious. DONATE to the battle AGAINST Proposition 8 by CLICKING HERE.
You may have missed…
ALERT: Donations Against Proposition 8 Desperately Needed [tr]