Earlier this week I posted about the tacky Halloween display put up by a gay couple in West Hollywood featuring an effigy of Sarah Palin hanging by a rope. It's been taken down:
“Sheriff's officials say resident decided to remove them after discussing the situation with West Hollywood Mayor Jeffrey Prang. ‘My understanding is that the mayor had a long talk with the man and convinced him to bring it down. The homeowner began to realize what they had done caused a little more of a reaction than they had hoped for,' Sheriff's official Steve Whitmore says. Earlier today, protesters put up a pair of white sheets on sticks in effort to hide the display from the street Tuesday. Whoever put up the sheets could be cited for trespassing or infringing on free speech rights, said Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Oscar Butao. However, nobody at the house has complained so far. The U.S. Secret Service recently looked into the display and said there was no threat. Deputy Special Agent in Charge Wayne Williams called the display unusual but said so far it seems to be harmless.”
Said a spokesman for Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca: “The sheriff made this clear: This is a country that has freedom of speech and we protect that right even when we think it's idiotic and stupid and in bad taste and wrong to do.”
Gay Couple Puts Halloween Hate on Display in West Hollywood [tr]