Barack Obama wins presidential election – read our archived live blog here.
Prop 8 passes – rallys erupt in Los Angeles, around city's Mormon Temple.
Target placed on Mormon Church; rallies mounted across California. Tension builds.
Melissa Etheridge: no taxation without representation.
Radio host Jim Quinn: Gays produce AIDS, should pay higher health insurance.
CNN exit polls: 27% of gays voted for McCain.
Lance Bass gets caught in crowd of Prop 8 protestors; police brutality?
Sacha Baron Cohen's ‘Yes on 8' antics caught on film.
Same-sex marriage in Connecticut to begin on November 12th.
Obama's grandmother dies in Hawaii, but she cast a ballot before she did.
Real-life witch denies Halloween candy to children of Obama supporters.
Sarah Palin prank-called by fake French pres; confused about Africa…mud flies.
Authorities bust “sex parties” in Malaysia, arrest 70.
THE TUBE: Ellen and Paris, Obama celebrations, whale wars.
Entertainment industry rags rave about van Sant's Milk. I agree.
David Beckham proud to be the “gayest straight man in America.”
Jude Law handles case of Robert Downey Jr.'s flaming crotch.
Rachel Maddow: glam lesbian news goddess.
Cristiano Ronaldo the victim of a grooming product attack.
Steve Guttenberg takes his daily half-naked morning jog through Central Park.
Lesbian fired: Did Grey's Anatomy go a gay too far for ABC execs?
Vargas v. Titsworth: Boxer has two points deducted for kissing opponent.
Gay men with rainbow flag attacked by disgruntled Republican on election night.
PLUS: Cam Gigandet, Bush's dog Barney, Katy Perry, Robert Pattinson, John Barrowman.