At Wednesday night's premiere of HBO's Big Love, which as you may know centers around a fundamentalist Mormon family that practices polygamy, Executive Producer Tom Hanks decried Mormon support for Proposition 8, calling it “un-American,” saying he hoped more light would be shed on the church's activities:
“The truth is this (show) takes place in Utah, the truth is these people are some bizarre offshoot of the Mormon Church, and the truth is a lot of Mormons gave a lot of money to the church to make Prop-8 happen. There are a lot of people who feel that is un-American and I am one of them. I do not like to see any discrimination codified on any piece of paper, any of the 50 states in America, but here's what happens now. A little bit of light can be shed and people can see who's responsible and that can motivate the next go around of our self correcting constitution and hopefully we can move forward instead of backwards. So lets have faith in not only the American, but Californian constitutional process.”
And, if you missed it, more light was shed on it yesterday.