It has been suggested recently that Pastor Rick Warren, who urged his followers to support Proposition 8 in the months leading to last November's election, is trying to distance himself from that position. Earlier this month he told Larry King, "I am not an anti-gay or anti-gay marriage
activist. I never have been, never will be."
Later that week he canceled an Easter appearance with George Stephanopoulos in which he would have likely been asked about the conflict between that statement and the Prop 8 video, citing exhaustion.
Now, it appears as if a Warren minion is trying to whitewash his Wikipedia page to reflect that as well. Living in the Bonus Round writes:
– Warren did not compare same sex marriage to incest, polygamy and pedophilia during his notorious Beliefnet interview.
– Gay and lesbian people have never had the right to marry in California.
Controversies surrounding Warren's position on gay marriage are,
according to CarverM, "a tempest in a teapot" and unworthy of more
discussion than a link to Wikipedia's Proposition 8 page.
After weeks of voluminous and sometimes heated debate, it was uncovered that CarverM is in fact Mark Carver, the International Director of Purpose Driven Ministries.