Adam Lambert's youngest fan is 15-months-old, named Paisley, demands to hear Adam on an iPod Touch until she gets it, and even makes jazz hands for him.
Also, Courtney Hazlett, as part of her MSNBC Scoop column, reports that Adam Lambert's honeymoon in the media may be ending:
"While much of the chatter surrounding 'American Idol' runner-up Adam Lambert has to do with speculation abouthis sexuality, the behind-the-scenes talk at many of the stops alongLambert's publicity tour is how difficult he is to work with. 'He is such a diva. Rude to everyone — from fans right down to the lighting folks,' said one person who worked with Lambert. 'A-listcelebrities have come through here and been infinitely more polite,'said another person who worked with Lambert during a stop in New York. Lambert should change his attitude quickly, according to one musicproducer. 'No one sells that many records these days to be able to getaway with that kind of behavior. To be a success you need literallyeveryone in your corner.'"
Sounds unlikely given what we've seen from the outside. When's the Rolling Stone story coming out?
Watch Lambert's youngest fan, AFTER THE JUMP…