California Attorney General Jerry Brown is once again speaking out against Proposition 8, this time in the context of the federal challenge to it by Ted Olson and David Boies, and the President's recent defense of DOMA.
Brown talked with CNN's Don Lemon about it, AFTER THE JUMP…
He also spoke with the L.A. Times:
"Brown, however, said that even though California is required to enforceProposition 8, he is free to agree with the challengers that itviolates the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Brown'sposition, laid out in a brief filed late Friday, puts the state'shighest-ranking law enforcement officer on the record declaring thatthe ballot measure violates federal constitutional protections. The SanFrancisco case may eventually reach the U.S. Supreme Court. Atthe same time, Brown argued that U.S. District Judge Vaughan Walkershould not suspend Proposition 8 immediately because a higher courtcould reinstate it later and put same-sex couples in 'legal limbo.' … 'Stayingoperation of Proposition 8, without the certainty of a final judgmentas to its constitutionality, would leave same-sex couples, as well astheir families, friends, and the wider community, in legal limbo,'Brown argued."
Watch Brown's CNN interview, AFTER THE JUMP…