Kalamazoo, Michigan, which has gone back and forth on an LGBT anti-discrimination ordinance — approving it in December 2008 and rescinding it in January 2009 following petitions from the American Family Association — voted unanimously to adopt the measure last night. It will go into effect in July and prohibit discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual andtransgendered people when it comes to hiring, housing and otheraccommodations.
WOOD reports: "Changes were made to try and accommodate both sides, mainly making exemptions for religious organizations. Mostof the ordinance's opposition comes from the organization's Michiganchapter, which argues mostly on the basis of religious views. Thecity manager will be in charge of enforcement. Businesses and housingorganizations would face stiff fines if found to have discriminatedagainst the gay community. However, opposition groups will havea chance to petition again. With 1,300 signatures, the ordinance wouldhave to go before the commission for a third time. From there, thecommission could rescind it, or put it before the Kalamazoo communityfor a vote in the next election."
Watch WOOD's report, AFTER THE JUMP…