Following Lederhosen in Paris, and a Queen's Guard uniform in London, Sacha Baron Cohen showed up to the Madrid premiere of Bruno in this bull outfit, with its anatomy on full display.
And here's a bit more from The Guardian's review of the film I linked to earlier:
"As you'd expect, Brüno charges, or rather minces, into some of theleast advisable situations imaginable – attempting to seduce a confusedRepublican congressman Ron Paul, telling a gayness-curing evangelist hehas "blowjob lips", parading through an ultra-orthodox area ofJerusalem in Hasidic-inspired hotpants (if there's one thing Brüno doesthat Borat can't, it's costume).
"And again, he lures theunsuspecting into shameful acts – getting Latoya Jackson to eat sushioff a naked Mexican gardener, for example, or gaining showbiz moms'consent to dress their children as Nazis.
"Beneath the idiocy,Baron Cohen is also a politically astute agent who's devised aningenious way to confront and expose serious social issues – andindulge his own exhibitionism.
"Brüno is funniest, though, whenit's at its most politically incorrect, especially when it comes tohomosexuality. There's an eye-popping montage of extreme gay sexpractices (imaginary, one hopes), a surfeit of waving penises, dildos,fetish gear, anal bleaching, and an excruciating mime in which Brünofellates the ghost of a deceased member of Milli Vanilli in front of apsychic."