STUDY: Circumcision ineffective in protecting gay men from HIV/AIDS.
John Mayer offers $25,000 reward for vintage mugshot.
Calvin College professors demand campus discussion following memo from Board of Trustees telling them it is "unacceptable" for them to advocate for LGBT issues and marriage equality: "About 130 of the campus' 300 faculty attended a meeting this week to
discuss the memo. Karin Maag, vice chairwoman of the Faculty Senate,
said there are concerns about both the content of the letter and the
process by which the policy was determined."
Gay teacher reinstated in Oklahoma City.
Brody Jenner tasered following fight with Joe Francis.
Ghana paper discovers gay underground parties.
Momentum building on ENDA, says Barney Frank's transgender policy adviser Diego Sanchez: [Barney]'s called on the entire community since [2007] to lobby, work — and the
community has said, 'OK, we've got one game plan, and it's Barney. There's broader support this time."
Ugandan "Ex-gay" leader George Oundo caught taking boys to his house to be "sodomized".
Rihanna channels Grace Jones for Italian Vogue.
American Pie star Jason Biggs departs Spain after almost having his face ripped off by a monkey.
Victory Fund endorses eight new candidates: Simone Bell – Georgia House of Representatives,
Fred Chang – Port Orchard, Wash. City Council,
David Cicilline — Mayor, Providence, Rhode Island,
Daniel Dromm – New York City Council,
Rosie Mendez — New York City Council,
Eric Morrow – East Point, Ga. City Council,
Ken Reeves – Cambridge, Mass. City Council,
Amaad Rivera — Springfield, Mass. City Council.
A Life in the Day: Gay Beatles manager Brian Epstein is subject of new film.
Washington Post posts fluffy profile on National Organization for Marriage executive director Brian Brown. Article.
90210's hottest new piece, Trevor Donovan.
T-shirt says Legalize It.
Sean Chapin on channeling anger over Prop 8.
Lowell, Massachusetts teen faces civil rights charges for hurling slurs at drag queens.
Groups protest lack of Obama movement on immigration reform. Immigration Equality hosting September 14 reception in Washington D.C.
Englewood, Colorado Episcopal Church dissolves over gay controversy: "Even though these traditional, loyal and older
Episcopalians did not object to the church's growing acceptance of
openly gay clergy, they say, their former priest did."
Zimbabwe's Mugabe government in alleged cover-up after minister of state John Nkomo sexually assaults young man and forces him to flee the country.