American Idol season 1 finalist Jim Verraros is "marrying" his partner Bill Brennan on Sunday in Oak Brook, Illinois.
Said Verraros on the couple's wedding website: "I knew with Bill that I wanted to 'marry,' him. I put 'marry,' only
because, sadly it isn't legal in Illinois yet, but we're hopeful that
the time is near. Looking back on our four years together, we've come
so far and grown so close together. He's not only my partner, but my
confidante, my soul mate, my best friend, and the love of my life. When
we're apart, I miss him and when we're together, I think to myself how
lucky I am that our paths have crossed and intertwined. People ask me how I knew that Bill was the one, and I always say the same thing: 'I just knew. When you KNOW, you know.' This
wedding is a culmination of our lives so far, and our lives from this
point onward. It is so imperative to the both of us that our friends
and family see just how in love we are, and how happy we are to share
it with everyone."
Congrats to Jim and Bill.