Some numbers are in on campaign fundraising in Maine's marriage battle.
The AP's Glenn Adams reports: "Supporters of Maine's gay marriage law said Tuesday they'vecollected $2.7 million for their campaign against a ballot proposal torepeal it, more than double the amount the measure's supporters saidthey raised. The group, called NO on 1/Protect Maine Equality,also reported that it has spent $2.2 million on its campaign topreserve the law. Meanwhile, Stand for Marriage Maine, whichpetitioned to get the repeal measure on the ballot, reported it hadcollected $1.1 million and spent more than $941,000 on its campaign.The group also said it has debts of more than $419,000. No on 1reported no debts. The figures were disclosed in campaign financereports that were due to the state Commission on Governmental Ethicsand Election Practices Tuesday night."
Anti-gay group Stand for Marriage Maine is upset with the numbers.
Said campaign Chair Marc Mutty:
"Today's financial reports reveal a disturbing, but unsurprising reality. Ouropponents, while claiming to be the home-grown, locally supported campaign,have amassed from virtually every state in the nation a campaign fortune ofmore than $2 million to destroy traditional marriage in Maine.
"They don't want to defend the teaching of homosexual marriage to youngchildren in public schools, so they are spending millions to try to deny anddeny. They don't want to talk about individuals, small businesses andreligious groups being sued for refusing to support homosexual marriage, sothey are spending millions to calls us liars. And they don't want to explainto voters why the law they sponsored and advocated strips from Maine'smarriage statutes the interests of nurturing children, so they are spendingmillions making the oxymoronic claim that we are trying to 'harm children.'
"We have been outspent approximately $2.6 million to $1.1 million, yet thefate of Question 1 is too close to call. That goes to show that even withmillions of dollars pouring in from well-heeled political elite, gay activistsin Hollywood, New York, Massachusetts, or the democratic political machine,Act Blue, our messages of truthful consequences of erasing the definition oftraditional marriage is resonating with Mainers.
"Mainers won't be bought. The Maine contributors to our campaign see throughour opponent's name calling and smear tactics for what it is: an exceedinglywell-funded effort from outside of Maine, yet one that simply cannot stand upagainst the facts we present."
In related news, Catholics (led by Bishop Richard Malone in Maine, who collected donations at masses across the state specifically to kill same-sex marriage and remove rights from Mainers) are very upset that the mom in Protect Maine Equality's new ad says she is one.
Because a Catholic that isn't an anti-gay bigot isn't a real Catholic apparently.
A Chicago-based organization called called the ad "shameless" and demanded the ad be taken off the air. Said President Brian Burch:
"For decades gay and lesbian groups have attacked the Catholic Churchfor refusing to accept their skewed views on human sexuality andmarriage. Having lost that battle, they have now launched thisdesperate and despicable attempt to curry favor with Catholics bypretending that the Catholic faith supports their radical agenda…Everybody knows the Catholic Church is opposed to counterfeit marriages. . . . For homosexual groups to suggest that the Catholic Churchbelieves otherwise is disingenuous, dishonest, and an insult to theintelligence of Catholic voters in Maine…We call on Protect Maine Equality to stop lying about our faith and toimmediately pull this ad from the airwaves and from YouTube."
I've posted the ad again, AFTER THE JUMP…
Maine Gay Marriage Campaigns Report Donations [ap]
I would expect a big push in assistance from national anti-gay forces after the release of these numbers. If you're interested in helping Maine stay head (the battle is not yet won) you can help them out HERE.