Good Morning America Weekend's Bill Weir talks to a man identified only as JB, the plaintiff in the Texas gay divorce case, about what he expected when he filed for divorce, and how much of his case was motivated by gay activism.
Without naming names, JB says that some of the greatest negative feedback he received regarding his case in the ten months since he filed it came from the gay and lesbian legal community. He expressed some bitterness that LGBT groups are just now getting behind the case: "You can't just jump on when you want to and claim your stake. This is my battle over the full faith credit. This is not about gay and lesbian marriage."
JB is also asked how he felt when the judge ruled in his favor. Said JB: "After ten months some of it is relief, some of it is sadness, and some of it is overwhelmed because then the floodgates opened again…I don't think the end of anyone's marriage can be celebrated as a victory."
Judge Rules Gay Couple Can Divorce in Texas, Says State's Same-Sex Marriage Ban Violates U.S. Constitution [tr]