The International Transgender Day of Remembrance is meant to raise awareness about those who are killed in anti-transgender hate crimes. Events marking this day are occurring around the world today.
In related news, Tampa passed a transgender anti-discrimination ordinance yesterday:
"After two hours of testimony, the ordinance passed by a 5-1 vote with Charlie Miranda voting no and Linda Saul-Sena absent. Miranda
repeatedly raised concerns about disruptions caused by people who come
to work one day dressed as one gender, and the next day as the other. The
new rules prohibit discrimination in employment, housing and public
accommodations based on 'gender identity and expression,' with that
defined as someone who has an 'inner sense of being a specific gender'
regardless of their 'assigned sex at birth.' Tampa's human rights
ordinance already protects people from discrimination based on gender,
race, religion, sexual orientation and other factors."