Delegate David Englin (D-Alexandira) has introduced a bill into Virginia's legislature that would repeal the state's constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, WTOP reports:
"Virginia will not recognize “a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance, or effects of marriage.”
Nor will the state recognize “another union, partnership, or other legal status to which is assigned the rights, benefits, obligations, qualities, or effects of marriage.”
To repeal that amendment, Englin is sponsoring House Joint Resolution 55. It is similar to proposals he carried in 2007 and 2009. They did not get much attention, but Englin says he won't give up.
HJ 55, which is being co-sponsored by Delegate L. Kaye Kory, D-Falls Church, has been referred to the House Privileges and Elections Committee. The panel has not voted on the measure."
The Family Foundation of Virginia, of course, is opposing it. Says the group's VP, Chris Frend: “We're only three years removed from nearly 60
percent of Virginians voting to support the amendment, and we're two
months removed from an election where three of the elected (statewide
officials) were advocates for the amendment. I think the
overwhelming majority of Virginians have no interest in revisiting this