(via joe.my.god)
New Hampshire GOP Rep. Nancy Elliott voiced her concerns this week in an executive session regarding HB1590, a bill that would repeal New Hampshire's marriage equality laws.
She explains what same-sex marriage means to her:
"We're talking about taking the penis of one man, and putting it into the rectum of another man, and wiggling it around in excrement, and you have to think. I'm not sure. Would I allow that to be done to me? All of us — that could happen to you — Would you like that happen to you? Is that normal? Is that something that we want to portray as the same as the one-flesh union between a man and a woman?"
She then says that marriage equality should be repealed after claiming that the law has caused children in a Nashua classroom to be shown graphic images of what she described above.
Previously in NH…
Bigot NH Rep. Alfred Baldasaro Says State Sold Kids for $10K to Gay Couples Wanting to Adopt [tr]