Lambda Legal to detail plans tomorrow to sue NJ for marriage equality.
Vet Voice Poll: More than 70% of Iraq and Afghanistan vets comfortable with gays serving openly in the military.
Humans could one day regenerate body parts like some amphibians, say scientists, after discovering key gene.
Mackenzie Phillips: One face at a time.
Cornell University sees six student suicides in six months.
AARP and American Society on Aging endorse report citing social and financial stumbling blocks faced by gay seniors: "This is the first time that the heavyweights of the aging network are really embracing a comprehensive look at the needs of LGBT older adults. We know there are anywhere from 2 to 3 million LGBT seniors in this country. We're talking about a very significant portion of the older population in this country."
NOM working to unseat D.C. marriage equality bill author David Catania.
Kellan Lutz gets a crotch cake for his birthday.
Movieline talks to Brett Claywell about his role as one half of One Life to Live's soon-to-be-written-off gay storyline: "I had stopped into One Life to Live's production office to drop off my Emmy reel. And then they saw me there and called me in and told me the storyline is no longer continuing. So I found out the same day I was handing in my Emmy reel. That was quite ironic."
Study: Dolphins traumatized by swimming with human tourists.
IRS tax collectors visit Sacramento car wash to collect $.04. "They were deadly serious, very aggressive, very condescending."
Here Media's Unzipped magazine folds (link nsfw): "The bell tolled for Unzipped on Friday morning when its owner, Regent Media's Paul Colichman, laid off over half its staff and told those who remained that the magazine was finished.
The company is waiting to roll out the official announcement, but a couple newly-unemployed staffers leaked the sad news over the weekend to sources close to The Sword. Unzipped's blog is still up and running as of this morning, but it is likely that the two new issues currently waiting in the wings will never be printed."
A day in the life of Tyler Shields and a shirtless Alex Pettyfer.
Shia LaBeouf suits up for Wall Street and GQ.
Who's playing Chatroulette?
Gay books: Triangle Awards and Ferro-Grumley gay fiction awards nominees announced.
Study: Men who bald by the age of 30 appear less likely to develop prostate cancer.
Chilean gay rights group details damage from recent earthquake: "The Frida Kahlo Lesbian Cultural Center in Chillán was destroyed, MOVILH said, and the headquarters of the Chilean AIDS Prevention Corporation and ACCIONGAY in Valparaíso was severely damaged.
'The house is ready to fall down,' said Marcelo Aguilar, ACCIONGAY's Valparaíso regional coordinator. 'One of the saddest aspects is the loss of equipment that we worked hard to acquire for our headquarters over the past 10 years.'
All of the organization's services have been suspended.
Just south of Santiago, in the town of Paine, the gay pub Vunker 'was rendered completely uninhabitable,' MOVILH reported."