The Las Vegas Taxi Authority has guidelines for its officers on how to treat people who are potentially diseased:
"And who are those people? According to the TA, high-risk groups include homosexuals, I.V. drug users and prostitutes.
Former TA Officer Scott Lewis says he was floored when he read the policy manual given to him by his boss at the TA.
'It took my breath away to read that," he said. 'It lumps in homosexuals and gays with drug users and prostitutes. Drug users and prostitutes as we know are criminals.'
The policy spells out that TA officers should use protective gear and gloves in the event they need to take a high-risk suspect into custody.
'My question is, what is a homosexual? How can you tell? Would you ask them, ‘Are you homosexual?' and then stop, as it says, for your personal protective equipment,' said Lewis."
Video investigation HERE.
LasVegasNow reports: "Late Monday, the TA informed the I-Team it approved a new policy manual in June 2007 which does not contain the offensive verbiage about gays. But, at least four TA officers were given the offending manual long after the new policy supposedly went into effect. Plus, it appears that manual is for administrative workers, not for officers in the field. Even recent hires say the old manual is still the one being handed out to employees. Taxi board member Josh Miller says he plans to investigate."