Restore Equality 2010, a group that formed with the intent to repeal Proposition 8 with a November 2010 ballot measure, says that it failed to collect enough signatures to qualify the measure for the ballot.
Restore Equality 2010, the campaign working to extend marriage rights to all Californians, announced today the completion of their campaign to qualify language to repeal Proposition 8 on the November ballot. Over 150 days, the campaign mobilized thousands of new volunteers, engaged in hundreds of thousands of conversations, and collected signatures from every county in California. Although the campaign did not hit its goal of 694,354 valid signatures, it takes pride as being the only statewide effort fighting for immediate repeal of the discriminatory constitutional amendment. Despite the setback, Restore Equality 2010 announced that they will continue to fight for marriage equality in California.
Restore Equality 2010 was formed in August 2009 after the state's largest gay rights organization, Equality California, declined to lead an effort to repeal Proposition 8. Although it started the campaign with no contacts, no infrastructure, and no money, the grassroots campaign built a statewide network of leaders and campaigners that furthered the state's marriage equality movement.
“Our signature collection effort may have fallen short, but we stand tall as being the only statewide campaign that fought for repealing Proposition 8 in 2010,” said Sean Bohac, Chair of the Restore Equality 2010 Statewide Advisory Panel. “Our campaigners carried the torch of Harvey Milk, who showed that change only happens when we get out of the bars and into the streets. And our efforts are reflected in the new polls that show increased support for extending marriage to all Californians.”
Restore Equality 2010's leaders are now planning for a November 2012 ballot effort, in which they hope to fight alongside the many LGBT and civil rights organizations who have publicly committed to helping repeal Proposition 8 in 2012. Signature collection is anticipated to commence in the summer of 2011.