A new Washington Post poll finds the marriage equality winds have shifted in Maryland:
"A clear majority of people responding to the poll — 55 percent — also say that if gays get married in another state, those unions should be considered legal in Maryland; 38 percent say the state should not recognize them. Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler (D) in February told state agencies to begin granting married same-sex couples from elsewhere the same rights as Maryland's heterosexual couples.
The poll, conducted May 3-6, finds that 46 percent overall favor legal same-sex marriage, 44 percent oppose it, and 10 percent have no opinion. Among registered voters, 48 percent are in favor and 43 percent are opposed.
In late 2007, an identical Post poll question found 44 percent in favor overall and 51 percent opposed."
Said Gansler of the numbers: "More and more people know gay people and realize they are working people, that they do their jobs and conduct their lives like everybody else. Attitudes are changing, and they are changing rapidly because there is a recognition that it is unfair, legally and morally, to prohibit people from the pursuit of happiness. Twenty years from now we'll look back and think this was a quaint discussion — every state will have gone this way."