The FTC is expressing concern about the subscriber list for XY magazine, which targeted gay and questioning youths between the ages of 13 and 17, and is now bankrupt, CNET reports:
"XY, which billed itself as a young gay men's magazine and could be found at, ceased publishing in 2007. Its founder filed for bankruptcy protection earlier this year, which could put names, addresses, e-mail addresses, unpublished personal stories, and other information about gay minors into creditors' hands.
The Federal Trade Commission recently expressed its concerns, saying in a letter to creditors and attorneys involved in the case that 'any sale, transfer, or use' of XY's personal information 'raises serious privacy issues and could violate' federal law.
XY's creditors have hired a lawyer to obtain the personal information held by the magazine and Web site. But because's privacy policy said that 'We never give your info to anybody,' any personal data should be 'destroyed,' wrote David Vladeck, the head of the FTC's bureau of consumer protection, in a letter this month."
The BBC adds: "XY's founding editor, Peter Ian Cummings, filed for bankruptcy in February 2010. He listed his personal assets at $1,500, a net income of zero and one other asset: the 'customer list, personal data and editorial and back issues of XY Magazine and'
Shoshanna Schiff, a partner with the Trenk law firm – representing the creditors – told the US website 'Any property listed on the debtor's bankruptcy petition is property of the bankruptcy estate and my client intends to administer those assets for the benefit of creditors.'"