'Pink Shirt Day' is a nationwide campaign to fight bullying in New Zealand. Out kiwi speed skater Blake Skelljerup is kicking off the campaign with a video encouraging others to join.
I want every difference to be celebrated, not challenged. I want the youth of the world to know that whatever they are feeling, whatever they are thinking, that it is completely natural. I do not want anyone to be persecuted for being themselves.
So I got involved in a nationwide campaign here in New Zealand to combat this. Pink Shirt Day is a campaign to eliminate bullying in our schools. Gay, straight, African, Asian…anyone who believes that bullying has no place in schools, and those who want to show support for those who are and have been bullied, and obviously those who are bullied, should wear a pink shirt on April 14th to unite against this.
Along with this, youth groups across the country launched a letter-writing campaign to the Prime Minister of New Zealand, John Key. Anyone who believes in the above paragraph is encouraged to sign the letter, and share their story on how bullying has affected them.