You may remember when back in September of 2010 the rural Kentucky home of lesbian couple Carol Ann and Laura Stutte was defaced with anti-gay slurs and burned down in a suspected arson fire.
A few months ago, the couple sued their one-time neighbor neighbor, who had harassed them over a five-year period before the fire, claiming she set the fire.
But earlier this month, even though the local authorities (who are working with the FBI and state arson officials) are still investigating the cause of the fire, the couple's home insurance company, American National Property and Casualty Company, has sued them accusing them of intentionally starting the fire.
PFLAG is taking up the couple's case and claims that the insurance company is simply looking for a way to avoid paying the $880,000 the couple is seeking. Said attorney David Massey:
"My reaction to the lawsuit is that this is an insurance company that declined to pay their claim and is looking for a way to get out of paying the claim," Massey said. "I don't know what kind of evidence they claim to have, but whatever it is, I wouldn't believe it, because I believe them, I believe in them, I believe in their integrity, and all of us in PFLAG believe that they are the victims."
Watch a news report from WBIR, AFTER THE JUMP.