The New York tabloids are having a field day over Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner's alleged exploits online, Jonathan Capehart reports.
Congressman Anthony Weiner's Twitter problem just got a whole lot bigger thanks to photos published today by conservative blogger Anderw Breitbart which allegedly show Weiner in his office with his shirt off. Radar has also posted a set of alleged sexts.
Ben Smith writes: “Politically speaking, what has already emerged may well have doomed Weiner's hopes of being mayor of New York, and could well produce calls for him to resign. The main lesson of recent scandals, from Spitzer to Vitter, is that he doesn't have to: No matter how gross the private conduct, these scandals tend to burn hot and fast.”
“You'll remember that Breitbart is the same fella who selectively edited the video of a speech by Shirley Sherrod, then an Agriculture Department official, to make her look like an unrepentant racist. The opposite was true. That makes him a questionable source for attacks on a sitting member of Congress. That being said, the new photos demand an answer from Weiner.”
UPDATE: Weiner is reportedly going to make a statement to the media at 4 pm EDT today.
UPDATE II: Weiner says photos are his, says he lied but he won't be resigning.