As Sally Quinn (who fawns over the Focus on the Family-supporting Denver Broncos player like a smitten teenager) notes in this WaPo profile, his publicist won't let him answer a question about same-sex marriage:
There is something very beguiling about Tebow. He seems almost an unmolded adolescent who is just beginning to think for himself, examine his life, and ask questions. He is open and friendly with a good sense of humor. It's hard to imagine such innocence in someone his age and in his field, but talking to him, it's hard to believe it isn't genuine. When asked questions he clearly has not been asked before, he ponders and tries to respond as openly and honestly as he can. Only once, when asked about same-sex marriage, did his publicist, on the other end of the phone, protectively jump in to object that that was off message.
The article positions Tebow as a good Christian role model. But as one commenter on the WaPo love letter notes, "Until Tim Tebow distances himself from the hatred aimed at millions of Americans (including quite a few gay teens that end up killing themselves), he has no credibility as a role model."