An Inidan lesbian couple are reportedly in hiding at a safe house after being married by a judge in early July following threats of "dire consequences" by members of their village, the Telegraph reports:
Savita, a 25 year old student at Choudhary Charan Singh University and her 20 year old wife Veena, 20, were married by a court in Haryana, close to New Delhi, earlier this month.
The couple approached the district court in Gurgaon, a satellite city of the Indian capital, and complained that Savita had been forced to marry against her will earlier this year. She had left her husband five months after the forced marriage after telling him she was in a lesbian relationship with Veena.
The court effectively granted her a divorce and gave its approval for her to marry Veena. In the court ceremony on July 22, Savita was designated 'husband' and Veena 'wife' in India's first lesbian marriage.
Police are reportedly guarding the couple over fears of an honor killing.