Dollars and sense: New York businesses are looking forward to making some gay dough once marriage equality becomes legal tomorrow, but what about same-sex couples? Are they going to gain or lose?
John Stamos on his Hairspray character, Corny Collins: "Kind of like a straight Ryan Seacrest."
Bob Fosse meets Michael Jackson and Bille Jean, finally.
Remember when we thought the Commodore 64 was the ultimate in technology? Now we're all like, "What's a keyboard?"
Correctional officers contradict claims that Brandon McInerney, accused of killing gay classmate Lawrence King, prescribes to white supremacist politics.
Am I the only person absolutely thrilled to see Sarah Michelle Gellar back on television, right where she belongs?
Amy Winehouse's last time on stage. RIP.
Amazing Spider-Man star Andrew Garfield wore a far less form-fitting costume at Comic-Con in San Diego. I have clearly decided to depict him in a more revealing version.
Ghana human rights group on resurrection of that nation's anti-gay legislation: "It is promoting hatred – and it's creating a divided society where gay people will be antagonised or attacked or blackmailed… When a minister of state and government starts relating such messages it can't help society."
The Avengers' heroes disassembled.
Questions about when same-sex couples with children decide to get married: "Marrying when you already have children scrambles the traditional order of things, giving deeper meaning to some parts of the process, and raising questions about the significance of others. What does marriage change when you have been together for so many years? What does marriage mean when you have already signed piles of legal documents that declare yourselves each other's health care proxies, and heirs and guardians of your children?"
Two gay men injured during a "bar check" in Fort Worth, Texas, have settled with the city: "The state agreed to pay $210,000 to Chad Gibson, who suffered a head injury, and $15,000 to George Armstrong, who suffered a torn rotator cuff, during their arrests at the Rainbow Lounge in June 2009. As part of the settlement, the men agreed not to sue the agency. In an earlier settlement with the city of Fort Worth, Gibson was awarded $400,000 and Armstrong $40,000."
Oslo attacks more horrific than we thought: Officials originally reported only about ten people were killed during yesterday's attack on a Norwegian youth camp. As the investigation progressed, however, they have now raised that total to 85 victims. Just terrible.
Democratic Rep. David Wu of Oregon has been accused of an "aggressive, unwanted sexual encounter" with a young woman. This comes after Wu has been accused of "erratic" behavior with both staff and constituents, including circulating pictures of himself dressed as a tiger, which is tame compared to some other Congressmen's virtual exchanges.
Dan Parent, creator of Archie Comics' resident gay, Kevin Keller, explains how the groundbreaking character came to be: "The whole Kevin thing came up pretty organically. I had an idea in the back of my head about Veronica chasing the 'unobtainable' guy. In her case, a gay guy. And the humor would stem in everybody knowing it except Veronica."
Just one? "There was at least one downside to Farinelli's castration. The operation may have preserved the 18th-century singer's treble voice into adulthood, making him a musical legend, but it also condemned him to a skull deformity that may have affected his mind."
This is great news: "On Friday, the Miami-Dade Public School District ammended the language of its anti-bullying and harassment policy to explicitly include unwanted harm against any student or teacher based on “sexual orientation and gender identity."