Hey all. A couple of notes on this Friday evening as we head into 'Irene' weekend.
First of all, I wanted to say that I hope everyone reading living in coastal areas of the East Coast has taken precautions for the hurricane, and I wish you the best in getting through it. Hopefully damages will be minimal and Irene will be less of a threat than they have predicted.
I also have a brief note about the blog.
Our weekend writer Andrew Belonsky, who has done a great job over the past few months, not only on Saturdays and Sundays but filling in for me when I've taken breaks, is a busy man and won't be able to do weekends for us anymore, given the demands of his job during the week. You can find him writing at Death + Taxes Mag, and he'll hopefully be contributing here occasionally as well! I can't thank Andrew enough for the great work he has done here.
I would also like to introduce our new weekend writer, who will be bringing his voice here on Saturdays and Sundays, and some of you may be familiar with his work already — in fact I know many of you are.
Penn Bullock is a freelance writer and college student here in New York. You're probably familiar with him because he exposed Dr. George Rekers last year with his partner Brandon K. Thorp. Rekers, as you may recall, is the "ex-gay", former NARTH board member who was exposed by Bullock and Thorp at the Miami airport after bringing a rent boy back from his vacation. Penn also helped produced The Sissy Boy Experiment for CNN.
Penn, whose journalistic work has mostly been investigative with a focus on military contracting, has written for the Washington Post, and Gawker. I'm looking forward to having him here on the weekends.