Brandon McInerney reportedly told a prison psychologist that he obsessed over shooting gay classmate Lawrence King.
Via the Los Angeles Times:
For McInerney, there had been months of pressure to do better in school from his abusive, methamphetamine-addicted father. And now, there was this strange remark from this strange boy — a comment that McInerney later described as “superdisgusting.”
“I sat and I thought about it over and over,” he told psychologist Douglas Hoagland months after he shot King in a computer lab at E.O. Green Junior High in Oxnard. “It didn't calm me down. It made me more angry. All I could think about was I wanted to kill him.”
McInerney's internal monologue came out Monday in a Chatsworth courtroom as a prosecutor tried to shake the testimony of Hoagland, an expert for the defense in McInerney's murder trial.
In addition to showing how anti-gay sentiment can fester, this trial also highlights why our nation needs to do more to assess and treat mental illness. The fact that McInerney had no where to go for his misguided hate highlights the dearth of treatment and awareness here.