Fox News blatantly broke its 'fair and balanced' promise when it excluded openly gay presidential candidate Fred Karger from its debate last week. Now Karger is fighting back.
The Republican yesterday filed a 158-page complaint against Fox News and its corporate overlord, Rupert Murdoch, for their exclusionary politics.
"I am the first openly gay major party candidate to ever run for President of the United States," Karger wrote in his letter to the FEC. "I have experienced many doors slammed in my face by individuals and outside political organizations during the past eighteen months, but this blatant affront by Fox News executives smacks of discrimination and I hope the Commission will investigate post-haste.”
Though Karger is by far the longest of the long shots in this race, he told me that he will "fight like hell" to have his voice heard.
"When I am denied a place on the debate stage after qualifying, I will take action against the party responsible. Rupert Murdoch and his Fox News should have allowed me on that stage in Ames Iowa last week. Now I am asking the Federal Election Commission to investigate Fox changed it's rules to keep me out," said Karger.
You know what? Good for him. The average American should be included in the presidential process. That is what makes this country great.
Photo credit: Andrew Werner.