Testimony continues in the trial of Brandon McInerney for the murder of his classmate Lawrence King, the AP reports:
Jill Ekman told jurors that 15-year-old Larry King wore even more makeup after she told him to stop drawing attention to himself, the Ventura County Star reported.
She said King told her the school's assistant vice-principal, Joy Epstein, said he could. She said she went and spoke to Epstein, and was told King had constitutional rights to do so. Later, an email message was issued telling teachers that King's attire was allowed and that they should try to teach students tolerance.
Ekman said she incorporated the message of tolerance into her lessons, but that the problem continued. She said boys complained to her that King was chasing them into the bathroom.
"I explained to him that what he was doing was inappropriate and he laughed and said that he could go into the boys' bathroom and he liked to see them squirm," she said.
Four days after Ekman went to Epstein again and received the same answer, King was shot in the head in the classroom.
Yesterday I mentioned that McInerney's brother testified on Tuesday about the abuse they suffered at the hands of their father, in a home filled with drugs and violence.
Watch the FOX11 report on that testimony, AFTER THE JUMP…