The New Jersey Senate is expected to debate and vote on marriage equality today. Senate president Stephen Sweeney expects that the measure will pass the Senate today and the Assembly on Thursday, and still expects Christie to veto the bill, he said in an interview on Friday.
You can watch and/or listen to the Senate debate beginning at 12 pm EST today HERE.
The Star-Ledger reported, yesterday:
While Senate President Stephen Sweeney (D-Gloucester) and Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver (D-Essex) have declared gay marriage their top priority, there may be some last-minute arm-twisting to get enough votes on a controversial proposal that failed in the Senate just two years ago.
Gusciora said that after months of wrangling he's finally counted 41 supporters needed for passage in the lower house. But he'll still be on edge until the Assembly has finished voting. "We still could have people that will get cold feet at the altar," he said.
If it plays out as expected this week, gay marriage supporters say lots can happen from the point Christie vetoes the bill and just before noon Jan. 14, 2014 — the last moment Democrats can overturn it.