Remember when it was revealed that the anti-equality National Organization for Marriage wanted to use prominent black pundits to help divide African-American and LGBT communities and therefore disrupt the progressive movement?
"The strategic goal of this project is to drive a wedge between gays and blacks — two key Democratic constituencies," read the memo. "We aim to find, equip, energize and connect African-American spokespeople for marriage; to develop a media campaign around their objections to gay marriage as a civil right; and to provoke the gay marriage base into responding by denouncing these spokesmen and women as bigots."
Well, Mother Jones did some digging into the finances of NOM's favorite pastor, Harry Jackson, and found some financial irregularities, or at least red flags, coming from the reverend's tax-exempt organization.
From reporter Adam Serwer:
Jackson is exactly the kind of African American spokesperson the NOM memo envisions. "There's been a hijacking of the civil rights movement by the radical gay movement," he said on CNN after backing California's Proposition 8 in 2008. "You can't equate your sin with my skin." He has received $20,000 from NOM's education fund and has rallied support for same-sex marriage bans in Florida and Washington, DC, where he joined Councilmember Marion Barry to oppose a marriage equality bill in 2009.
Details on the funding for Jackson's personal organization, the High Impact Leadership Coalition, are also murky. The group, which shares an address with Jackson's church, spent $40,700 trying to defeat marriage equality in DC. It describes itself as a nonprofit and solicits tax-deductible donations on its website. However, it is not listed in current IRS or charity databases, and its trade name registered with the state of Maryland lapsed in 2011.
Jackson had no comment, naturally.