Adam Goldman, creator of the popular web-series, The Outs, has a new project in the works and is seeking funding on Kickstarter. Whatever This Is follows the lives of two production assistants in New York, Sam (Hunter Canning) and Ari (Dylan Marron), along with Lisa (Madeline Wise), Sam's girlfriend:
"Whatever This Is asks a tough question: how long are you expected to do work that you hate, for pennies, until it becomes something that you love that pays the rent? Is it even possible?"
As Dylan Marron puts it,
"It's a show for anyone who is in that time in your life when there isn't an orientation, and there isn't a guidebook and you're writing the guidebook."
You can contribute to the kickstarter page here and follow the project on Facebook.
Be sure to check out a video of Goldman's pitch (complete with Towleroad shout-out!) AFTER THE JUMP…