It's been more than two weeks since the Supreme Court handed down the decision that gutted the Defense of Marriage Act, and anti-gay activists continue to decry and bemoan that fact. However, if Matthew Hagee of the show "Hagee Hotline" is at all correct in his recent assertion, said activists might not have to live in a post-DOMA world for much longer.
While answering a viewer question, Hagee, son of controversial pastor John Hagee, pulled an excerpt from Luke 17:21-30: "just as it was in the days of Noah [and] Lot … so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed." In his subsequent explanation, "the days of Noah" is meant to indicate a time when "men were Agnostic, not believing in God," and "the days of Lot" is meant to refer to a time when "men had given up the natural affections for women and were lying with other men." Despite the fact that Agnosticism and homosexuality have existed for centuries now, Hagee still cautioned "we have all of those things happening in the world around us."
To put things in a more contemporary context, Hagee then cited the Supreme Court's decision for Windsor v. United States.
"That's something that would have been applauded in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. So when you see these things similar to the days of Noah and similar to the days of Lot, it's very easy to know that the rapture of the church is about to occur."
Watch the video, courtesy of Right Wing Watch…AFTER THE JUMP…